From waste to food. We strive to become the premier supplier of insect-derived animal feed from food waste in the Americas.

To feed ever more people and reduce growing waste volumes. By converting waste back into food, Enthos contributes to establishing a circular food economy and more sustainable food production.
Enthos 1
ENTHOS 1 will be the first commercial scale plant in Latin America dedicated to use insects to upcycle organic waste into food grade protein and oil, products with a ready market in the animal feed industry.
The conversion of waste to food is achieved via the larvae of the Black
Soldier Fly, which consumes the waste and is harvested before fully
maturing and then processed into animal feed ingredients.
We can leverage the competitive advantage of producing in Colombia thanks to the expertise and experience the Enthos’ partner team has in the most important aspect for successful implementation: The operational and engineering component of processing organic residues and animal protein and the nutritional science behind creating high-quality animal feed.
Enthos products
Black Soldier Fly larvae are ferocious consumers of food waste and grow over 200 times in a feeding period of 15 days.
The mature larvae serve as the basis for the following products:
ENTHOS® Larvaes:
Premium whole dried BSF larvae for higher end products and special producers.
Meal with minimum protein content of 52%, high digestibility, excellent amino-acid profile.
Omega 3 Oil with high energy contribution to diet.
ENTHOS® Fertilizer:
Mineral rich for use in agriculture.
Our team
The Enthos’ founders team derives its strength from their multidiciplinary background of engineering, animal nutrition, business development and financial structuring.
The design of the project is based on years of research of our interdisciplinary team. Our team and advisory board counts on extensive expertise in areas such as entomology, environmental and mechanical engineering, veterinary medicine and zootechnics.
Our team has:
- Planned, built and managed more than 25 Agro-Industrial Projects such as plants rendering animal residue into high protein meal and fat;
- Has over 25 years of experience in the management of animal nutrition and aquaculture plants;
- Served as advisors to more than 30 aquaculture and feed producing companies around the globe;
- Has extensive managerial experience in running companies in both Latin America and the United States.
If you are interested to find out more about Enthos, please email